ICSE Art of Effective English Writing Class 9 & 10 books as per 2026-2027 syllabus
- Publisher : S.Chand
- Author: Meena Singh
- Edition: 2025-26
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
This ICSE Art of Effective English Writing Class 9 & 10 books as per 2026/2027 syllabus published by Blackie ELT Books in its revised form has an elaborate section for effective essay writing and report writing. All compositions that have been asked in the ICSE Examinations, from the year 1995 to the present year, have been given. The section on grammar has more number of exercises, specifically pertaining to questions asked in previous years. Other sections like report writing, quotable quotations and comprehension have also been enhanced.
Tags: ICSE Art of Effective English Writing Class 9 & 10 | Latest Edition, Meena Singh, Class-9
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